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Park Smiles NYC

As advancements in dentistry continue to evolve, dental implants have become a popular and effective solution for missing teeth. However, not everyone is a suitable candidate for this procedure. In cases where there is insufficient bone to support the implant, bone grafting may be necessary. This procedure involves adding bone tissue to the jaw to create a sturdy foundation for the dental implant. While the idea of bone grafting may seem daunting, it is a routine and safe procedure that has a high success rate.

At Park Smiles NYC, we utilize the most innovative techniques and equipment in bone grafting to ensure your comfort and safety throughout the procedure. Our highly trained team is committed to providing personalized care that prepares you for successful dental implant placement.

What is Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting is a specialized dental procedure designed to enhance or rebuild the bone structure within the jaw. It is often necessary when a patient lacks sufficient natural bone to support dental implants. During this procedure, a dentist or oral surgeon introduces bone material to the area requiring augmentation. This bone material can be sourced from different areas, including the patient’s own body (autograft), a donor (allograft), animal sources (xenograft), or it can be made of synthetic materials (alloplast). 

Over time, this grafted material integrates with the patient’s existing bone, creating a more robust and solid foundation. This integration process is vital, as it ensures the dental implant will have the stability and support it needs to function correctly. Through this procedure, patients who were once considered ineligible for dental implants due to insufficient bone can now look forward to a complete and functional smile.

Why is Bone Grafting Necessary for Dental Implants?

Bone grafting plays a pivotal role in the dental implant process for a simple yet critical reason: it ensures the jawbone is adequately prepared to support an implant. After a tooth is lost, the jawbone in the area can begin to deteriorate or lose density because it’s no longer stimulated by the forces of chewing. This loss can make it difficult or even impossible for a dental implant to be securely placed. 

Without a solid foundation, an implant would not be able to withstand the daily pressures of biting and chewing. This is where bone grafting becomes essential. By bolstering the jawbone, bone grafting not only enables the jaw to support a dental implant but also helps in maintaining the natural shape of the face and jaw. 

The Bone Grafting Procedure

The bone grafting procedure begins with a thorough examination by your dental professional to determine the specific needs of your jawbone. On the day of the procedure, the area is numbed with local anesthesia to ensure you’re comfortable and pain-free. The first step involves making a small incision in the gum to expose the bone area that requires augmentation. Then, the selected bone graft material is carefully placed into the necessary areas. 

Following the placement of the graft material, it is often secured with a special membrane to promote healing and integration with the existing bone. The site is then sutured closed to allow for the natural healing process to commence. Over the following months, the grafted material will gradually integrate with your natural bone, creating a stronger and more stable foundation. This integration is crucial for the support and success of a future dental implant.

Throughout this period, your dental professional will monitor the healing process and ensure the graft is integrating as expected. This careful attention to detail and personalized care set the stage for a successful implant placement, moving you one step closer to restoring your smile.

Questions About Bone Grafting? Contact Park Smiles NYC Today

At Park Smiles NYC, we understand the importance of a solid foundation for dental implants. Our expert team utilizes the latest techniques and equipment in bone grafting to ensure your comfort and safety throughout the process. We are dedicated to providing personalized care tailored to your unique needs, ensuring a successful dental implant placement.

Our commitment to excellence and patient care sets us apart. From the initial consultation to the final stages of healing, we guide you every step of the way, ensuring optimal results and a restored smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your journey to better oral health. Call (212) 988-6724 or visit our contact form.

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