Chin Augmentation Surgery in Manhattan, NYC

A defined and chiseled chin is a dominant characteristic of masculinity – and it’s also associated with striking femininity. A small or weak chin can make the neck appear “fatty” and undefined. If you’d like to strengthen your profile and enhance your appearance, it’s time to chin up and cheer up at Park Smiles NYC, where Dr. Cohen offers two effective options for chin augmentation.

The Two Options and their Procedures

Chin Implant Surgery in Carnegie Hill

Chin implant surgery, or mentoplasty, is facial plastic surgery that can create a larger, more projected or more prominent chin in individuals who desire more definition in this facial feature. During your consultation with Dr. Cohen at Park Smiles NYC, he will use digital enhancement software to provide you with a realistic visual projection of your results to assist you in your evaluation and decision.

The minor operation is performed in our office with IV sedation. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes and requires a few days recovery. Thanks to new technology in biomaterials, silicone implants are very successful and extremely well tolerated by the body.

The newest chin implants, known as anatomic implants, are natural-feeling and follow the contours of the normal jaw line. They come in many shapes and sizes to personalize the aesthetics of each patient.

Sliding Genioplasty

Another excellent option, called sliding genioplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to correct a retrusive chin and achieve a more aesthetically pleasing facial structure without using silicone implants. Sliding genioplasty involves making a cut through the bone of the chin, which is called an osteotomy. By freeing up the retruded chin bone, Dr. Cohen is able to reposition the bone forward to a more desirable orientation. A small plate, made from titanium, is used to secure the chin in its new position on the jawbone. Small screws are used to hold the plate in place. This simple procedure can dramatically improve the balance, proportion, and harmony of the facial features.

The results from a sliding genioplasty will be permanent and immediately noticeable. As the swelling resolves, the final appearance of the chin can be fully appreciated.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry


Enhances your profile. Patients interested in undergoing a chin implant procedure are often uncomfortable with their profile. The nose may appear large, the chin may be recessed, or both, resulting in facial imbalance. By harmonizing the features, we can enhance the look of the face from all angles, especially the profile view.


Long-lasting results. When a chin implant is fixed into place atop the natural chin, the aesthetic results are long-lasting. The implants may be composed of different biocompatible materials, some of which become interlinked with the existing bone in the area.


Can also improve your jawline. Plastic surgery of the chin not only strengthens the look of the chin, but because the underlying structure is altered, the jawline can appear improved as well.


A boost to your self-confidence. The vast majority of patients who have chin augmentation are extremely pleased by the results and what it does for their self-esteem and confidence.


A discreet change. A chin implant may be inserted through a small incision under the chin or inside the mouth, both of which are concealed during day-to-day interactions. For some patients, the decision to undergo an elective surgery is a highly personal decision they do not wish to share with others. A hidden incision ensures privacy, and eliminates self-consciousness following the procedure.



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